BAR CODE [ english version ]
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   The Bar Code by now is extended at all the main fields of the industry and of the commerce; the Bar Code is used in many fields because is an adaptable technology at the various situations, of success for the high reliability, easy to read and easy to print.
   The ACSE srl always since was born in this field suggests a wide range of products here listed. Being moreover the field of the Bar Code continually in growth the news follow one another quickly, for the choice more qualified with our Agents and Distributors you can find the necessary and useful information to solve any problem of data capturing.

   For any technical problem our service is at your disposal, while for any commercial agreement our Sales and Marketing office is from now on ready to listen your requests.

[ bar code ]

The bar code products are :

* Readers

* Decoders

* Hand Held Terminals

* Printers

* RadioFrequency

* Industrial Scanner

* Software

[ bar code ]
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